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Its just a word now, i wish that it still means something. Something so strong, i wish this bond we had, would last, last as long as we have always wanted it to be, but now, youve stop wanting it. Dont you remember how we used to be so cheerful and yet lfull of TLC. Oh moon, why do you have to stop shining? Oh sun where have your light go to? Oh my heart, why do you stop beating? Dont you care? For im not strong without it? Im fainting, im falling, im gasping, gasping for love, for YOUR love, my love. For you are like oxygen, without it i'll die. For you are like watter, without it i'll die of dehydration, for without you my love, i have no more reality, mo more priority, no ore insensitivity, no more life. How easy you found a replacements, how hard for me to let you go.

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