On top of the world

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Though everyone rejected me,
You still stay with me.

I know theres loads of times ive been mistreating you,
I know i tried so hard to impress your family while im not suppose to,
I know theres alot of things in me that you dont see,
I know that my attitude is all messed up and fucked up,
I know theres 1001 reason for you to leave me,
Trust me i know.

Do you know that youve done alot of things to me?
Do you know eventhough how thick and how hard i have to go through for you, i still do?
Do you know that my love for you is more than a million years of love?
Do you know that i would do whatever you want me to do?
Do you know that no matter how far, or how low i have to go for you, i would?
I know you know.

Ask your friends,
Ask your bestfriends,
that no matter what you need me to do, id do it.
that no matter what you need me to help, id help you.
that no matter when, where, you want me to be, i'll be there.

Your friends,
Your bestest friends,
they know that im devoted to you,
they know that im deeply madly truly in love with you,
they know that no matter how far you want me to go, i wont.
they know that i'll keep chasing you, cry for you, die for you if i have to just to have you.

Ask your sister,
I kept asking her,
how much i want you back,
how i cant wait till spm is over,
how even asked her when is the right time for me to meet your mum,
thats how commited i am to you, thats how im true and ready for you.

I love you,
I kept missing you,
Im always thinking about you,
And sure as hell, im glad to be yours.

I only hope for you to feel the same thing,
I only want you for eternity,
I only need you till the end,
I only love you and no one else,

For all the sleepless night,
I thought about you to make me dream,
For all the restless day,
I only need you to make my day.

For all those wonderful moments,
I could only wish for loads more,
For all the love i gave,
I will always give you more.

For all those fighting days,
I could only wish its over,
For all the kisses and hugs,
I will always devour(:

I may not be the best boyfriend,
Or may be the best bestfriend,
But i always pray hard,
for us to be together,
till we meet again,
in heaven(:



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