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Heyheyy, school was okay today. For the first time, the whole day at school im in class and came early. HAHA, or else i'll go and eat and spend he day at school walking around, hanging out and go to the counceling room. HAHAHAHA, how boring is that? Well, the reason im like this is because of my class sucks, my classmate sucks ad the teachers aswell. God, its boring going to school when you already know that its gonna be boring but what can you do? School is a must right? haih. I got in trouble for skipping school loads of times and not to mention mia is fedup with it. So im changing, i dont want her to give up on me, shes my pride and joy. Shes everthing to me and i love her soo much. Baby im changing okay? I promise i'll change everything for the better. So here i am, at home eraly -.-" listening to HOUSE ELECTRO TECHNO TRANCE songs and dancing around. So, i'll be writing post often i guess. Love you world, love you soo much more AMIRAH ISMAIL. weeeeeee

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