Of tantrums and thrills

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Greeeeeetings ,

I am dead in the brain and shot in the head. So don't mind me being gay, albeit if it persists, I will immediately sign off ! No worries, fellow friends.

The agony of Midyear Examinations are undeniably brutal. Today was the first day. Bahasa Malaysia pretty much sucked and I might end up not acing my Science. Brutal, I tell you! Fuck the agitation, gah. English & Civics are coming up tomorrow.

Althoughhhh, positive sides are always present. Tonight is the end of the ultimately anticipated, *drumrolls*


Bring the limelight, Adam is gonna claim his victory, HURRAH :D Although I will forever and for always stay true to Kris, hihihi HAHAHA :D That's it, I'm off.

'Till then.

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