Go figure, enthusiast

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American Idol is undeniably ubiquitous at the moment - true?

And need not to mention, everyone is incontrovertibly turning to an adherent! (Even Iman, which I find bizarre and utterly rare)

Which includes myself, American Idol - my very own guilty pleasure, hihihi :] Everyone is assuming victory will side Adam Lambert, but the first place every week happens to be gained by Kris, no? But the decision is definitely, up to you, America.

I, for one, have no rights to presume. A personal thought - I really think Adam really ought to feel jubilant on the finales and most definitely deserves the title of being an American Idol.

The fact is just implicitly unquestionable. He is without doubt, truly remarkable and significantly gifted :) Most notably astonishing contestant and never fails to blow my mind every single week when he steps on stage. But nevertheless, Kris lays permanently in my heart, got an intuition he'll give a good fight :)


Mia Ismail, signing off.

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