Drift yet?

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I'll be your sunset, if you'll be my silhouette.
Hey peeps, i know that im not constantly online like i used to and i know that mia always keep on reminding me keep our blog alive as this has always been my wish since like god knows when. HAHA. The reason i can't is because my parents locked my comp by puting a password and only they know what it is. Ive tried everything, from my grandmothers birthday to their anniversary date to their great grandparents bithdate. God, i wish i could keep this blog alive and on constantly when im free from studying or any other activities, trust me i'd do anything.
Mia and her american idol -.-" i guess it will never end, HAHA. She loves Adam and she loves Kris, i on the other hand loves the same contestants as her. Geee, i wonder why -.- HAHA. but i prefer Kris more than adam, man he is o ne great singer not to mention he knows more about songs than Adam will ever know about it. See the way he compose heartless? Damn, he completely change the melody, the tune and even the tempo of the song, it actually turned out way way way better than the original heartless by kanye west. I LOVE KRIS, trust me i do, oh if im gay i'll be naked watching him song and probably masturbate while watching him on the teevee. HAHAHHA, how ridiculous is that right? Yeah well, blog is about every detail you wanna do or what you did, you wanna think or what you thought right? HAHA. Adam on the other hand, he can sing, yes theres no doubt about that, he can sing in every way, his falseto, vocals and everything else, its great and all but hes more to a rockstar dnt ya think? Well who am i to judge. HAHA.
You could say that you dont miss me, I think about you everyday.
Hey baby, im concerned about you, with you pressuring yourself with books and all, oh i wish i could put away all these pressure for you. Though youre pressured and all you still find time to talk to me, manage your time to force me to study, make your time to help me with giving me questions to answer, oh i wish i could repay you. I know im nt much of a help and im in your way but i want you to know that i apprecite you, i do. You bought back faith in my life, ive never been care for like this before, but you with everything in your head, you still find time to care about me, awww sayang that's so sweet. I promise you, i promise you that all these work youve put into for me and for yourself will not go to waste, we're gonna be succesful and fulfil all our dreams of being together(; hihi, I LOVE YOU MIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUU.
If I could take your heart,
And keep it close to me,
I swear it will not break,
I swear it will not bleed.

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