In a heartbeat

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I haven't completed neither the layout for the blog, nor my kerja khusus for History. B, could you please please just finish up some stuff, 'cause I'm starting to get a headache ):

And here goes my attempt to melt my headaches, I am off to bed. 'Till Heroes start during nightfall, shall I awake*

Having thoughts about cutting school tomorrow, hahaha. Effing agitated and distinctly in a feeble state. As every second passes by, the more I grow older; the more I feel like falling apart.

By the way, I am using this blog to write about my days, since my very own blog is more to articulating my feelings in the utmost perplexed way there possibly is, hoping nobody would understand. Coming home to a black and melancholy blog is as a matter of fact, slightly depressing.

And so, this blog shall be a contrary :)

P/s: I'm sorry for the weak poem up there, Iman will edit it later on as my eyelids are dropping. & still I don't know how, I just wrote another lenghty post, I can't stop, help me(!)

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