I can spell confusion with a K

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Hello earthlings,

I have not progressed on my Kerja Khusus. Why? Because I am a stupid, stupid girl! -.- Procrastinating everything and oblivious towards the circumstances.

But guess where Iman is? Yes, he is at BB, having a blast -- without me. Woots! All hail Iman -__- *snorts* It were as if I could not get more sarcastic and derisive.

Anyways, today is another non-progressive Saturday afternoon :) I somehow seem to love non-progressive days as it is spent by doing absolutely nothing. I'm quite aware a negative thing it is supposed to be, but I see it in contrary. Different people see from different point of views, aye? ;)

My eyelids are dropping, dropping, droping... I really can't figure out why. Am awaiting for Sunday morning sunshine, hurrah :D and if luck is on my side, I would even be able to go shopping (R)

You have me, right here.

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