Back to the beginning; with you

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Hey hi and a merry hello people :]

Everything starts somewhere, right? The ink is running and the clock is ticking; and here is the trace that I've been here.

Iman actually has been wanting a blog that we shared together ever since God knows when, and; congratulations sayang, your dream has become an unquestionable reality -__-

All hail: Me for creating the blog :D :D

To be frank I initially refused to make one, but at the end of the day agreed in creating this blog 'cause I am going to make him promise to blog more often, (since his current blog is as dead as any dead person)


All because... I miss him blogging ): I miss him being alive, young and aspiring.

By the way b, you can change anything you want 'cause the blog is actually registered under your account -__-

'Till then.

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