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Oh emo shites, I have my days as well.

"It takes two to tango",

Someone I miss a bunch once told me. She told me it is clear that a relationship is doomed to failure if both the people in the said relationship do not work together to solve major dilemmas. Everybody gets hold up in sticky situations, it's just a matter of if they were able to go through the storm together and not break at the very end.

I for one, have to say that I couldn't forget what she told me. I could even bet that she herself forgot that she mentioned that to me not too long ago, as a matter of fact. It was then, sometime during my Christmas holiday in Melaka that it became clear that I had fulfilled my part and oath, because Iman and I made it through every hurricane that we could ever come across. I never knew till that day, that we were one of those people, those special people in relationships made of steel.

I could go on and on, longer and longer to make this just another lengthy post of mine, but..

Little did I know, the day would come. The day where your absence suddenly start to crawl beneath my veins. The thought of it is cavorting in my head, my tummy is in a whirl, my knees are as weak as it can be, it is just simply downright sickening.

I'm alone. Fragile, and alone. For it is clear that all our yesterdays has been wasted by colliding with feeble-minded minions and what we are at this very moment are just made up of reminiscence and memories of what used to be. I am in a susceptible state, come shoot me down, I am already broken. I need you, I need hope, I need faith, it all went away.

I miss you.

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